Saturday, February 23, 2013


The Hotels (Sheraton, Aloft, and Nu) were supposed to hand all guests for our shindig maps to find their way to all the fun venues and suggested walking routes and car service numbers.  As at the front desk if you did not receive one on check in.  

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The least intuitive giftlist ever

We concede.  Using giftster for the registry has caused more angst than help.  It appears to be the least intuitive website ever designed.  It is the betamax of social media sites.  Still we must persevere at this point.  To that end we've put together a few images that might help explain how to use it. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Well Underway

Preparations are at full tilt.  We're really excited to see nearly all our loved ones in one place next weekend.  If you want a sneak peak at our first photoshoot, click here; the password is "cui si nart" with those quotation marks and the spaces removed.

Just so everything is at the top of the page, here a some key links to critical details:

                     Registry          Saturday Party          Sunday Venue

Now we also know that a few of you will want to find food or explore the neighborhood near the church and the Nu Hotel.    Don't miss the view from the Promenade.  To get there just walk to the bottom of Montague Street.   Looking for reliable, not too pricy, sushi?  Try Tenda.  Want out-of-this-world meat and a wall of whiskey that takes your breath away?  Char 4 is a favorite.   There are dozens of wonderful, even better, restaurants out there.  Wandering South on Atlantic you'll run into great Italian.  The length of Smith and Court Street have great little cafes.  North on Atlantic there is Yemeni cuisine and a number of fun venues, such as Floyd's indoor bocce courts.  Friends just introduced us to the 61 Local this week and we highly recommend it.   Just need a little peace and quiet, why not an independent bookstore?  Or, you're right around the corner from the NYC Transit Museum!  Can't wait to see you all!   

Sunday, January 13, 2013

More on Accommodation Options

Daniel did a little more checking on accommodation options.  The best of the lot seems to be the Nu Hotel.  Very friendly staff, modern feel, comfortable rooms, walking distance to the church and a very short car ride back from the "Preception".  We also like it for its proximity to the restaurants, bars, and fun boutiques along Court and Smith Streets.  Rooms seem to run about 80-100 dollars less than the Marriott.  Steve, the priest at Grace Church, turned us on to this new option and he also mentioned that some parishioners run B&Bs right next door from the church.  We're going to try to get more information on these from the Church secretary...  UPDATE:  A BLOCK RATE IS AVAILABLE!  Ask for the Ackerman-Yarrow wedding rate, if you book here.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Excited about Music

We found a pianist for the reception.  One of the many fabulous students at the Brooklyn College Conservatory of Music, Gregory Post.  If need some inspirational music for your workday, you can listen to some of his work on the youtubez, his channel is DrPostman2000.  This piece is particularly fun.  We're still working on the ceremony, but Liv has been practicing by singing along to this.