So this old blog is how we got information out about the wedding two years ago. It's been sitting neglected ever since. We had a new one on a different platform for our 10 months in Turkey, but we like that one enough that we want to leave it intact. We're going to try using this one as our way to share snapshots and similar for the newest members of our family, a set of fraternal twins. We're at 36 weeks so they really may come just about any day now.
Why a blog? Well, Facebook keeps copyright of all posted pics and can then use those photos in its own advertising. We object to that policy. So, we'll just post on FB links to new blog posts here, instead of actual pics. Also, not all our peeps are on FB. AND, not all our FB friends want to see as many pics as, say, the grandparents might like to see. This also allows grandparents and others to share these images with whomever, knowing we're okay with them being basically public.
There will probably also be photostreams on our two flickr accounts for larger batches of photos. We'll link to those from here later. This will be mostly snapshots, phone pics, short videos and the like.